Ballcode is a special website to learn Linux OS. All the posts that will be presented later is the result of learning from the Internet , books , professors and other references . In the way the material, perhaps much less agree with me, but this is what I know, if anyone wanted to correct, it is better to provide inputs and broaden to other friends.

This website use 3 concept :

  • This Website is contains all about Linux.
  • This website is about problem solving, tips and trick.
  • if the program/command and statment is copy from other website, admin will add the source.

Output program will always be displayed at the end of the post or at the end of the program/command and sometimes admin not displayed the output. Authors of articles hope that all posts could help in any problems. Therefore, if there is an article according to the reader, is expected to split to others. You can deploy our article on condition that the source of the article.

Thank you.